Today I just feel like visiting this blog and looking through some old memories. How far I've come. This blog has existed for years, and although I've been inactive for quite awhile now, it's still very very important for me. Despite all those cringy posts from when I was younger, I'll never clear up this blog and delete the posts. Just shows how much I've grown throughout the years amiriteee.
The last post is before I even entered KY, it's about the Felda scholarship. To summarize, for the past two years, I was in KYUEM, studying like hell, loads of emotional and mental breakdowns, tons of fears and insecurities of not making it, sleepless nights, countless past years exercises, overall, just a very tiring two years of my life. Do I regret it? No, not at all. Along the way I've made some beautiful friendships, learnt things about myself, and most importantly changed my mindset and perspective for the better. Now, two year later, here I am reading Mechanical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Sorry for the small picture, it's from an android hahahaha
This post is not to flex. It's more for my own reading actually, so that years later I can look back and see the milestones in my life. So that if I'm about to give up, I'll look back and be reminded that I've made it this far, there's no turning back, only forward. The future is still a bit unclear for me, a lot unclear honestly. But I'll take it one step at a time and appreciate every single moment. I've accepted that it's perfectly fine to not have a huge dream. Your dream doesn't have to be finding the cure for cancer, travelling the whole world, become the governor of bank negara or world domination, just simply living and being a better person than you are yesterday is enough.
To be here, to breathe in the cool crisp air, to watch the leaves slowly turn orange and red as autumn arrives, Alhamdulillah for these blessings.
To the future me who is reading this, keep moving forward. Despite what you might think, you're doing great.
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