Sunday, October 7, 2018

2 Years Later

Today I just feel like visiting this blog and looking through some old memories. How far I've come. This blog has existed for years, and although I've been inactive for quite awhile now, it's still very very important for me. Despite all those cringy posts from when I was younger, I'll never clear up this blog and delete the posts.  Just shows how much I've grown  throughout the years amiriteee.

The last post is before I even entered KY, it's about the Felda scholarship. To summarize, for the past two years, I was in KYUEM, studying like hell, loads of emotional and mental breakdowns, tons of fears and insecurities of not making it, sleepless nights, countless past years exercises, overall, just a very tiring two years of my life. Do I regret it? No, not at all. Along the way I've made some beautiful friendships, learnt things about myself, and most importantly changed my mindset and perspective for the better. Now, two year later, here I am reading Mechanical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Sorry for the small picture, it's from an android hahahaha

This post is not to flex. It's more for my own reading actually, so that years later I can look back and see the milestones in my life. So that if I'm about to give up, I'll look back and be reminded that I've made it this far, there's no turning back, only forward. The future is still a bit unclear for me, a lot unclear honestly. But I'll take it one step at a time and appreciate every single moment. I've accepted that it's perfectly fine to not have a huge dream. Your dream doesn't have to be finding the cure for cancer, travelling the whole world, become the governor of bank negara or world domination, just simply living and being a better person than you are yesterday is enough.

To be here, to breathe in the cool crisp air, to watch the leaves slowly turn orange and red as autumn arrives, Alhamdulillah for these blessings. 

To the future me who is reading this, keep moving forward. Despite what you might think, you're doing great.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Felda Scholarship Interview

Helloooo, it's been a while since I wrote on this blog. Well, to be frank, it's been about three years isn't it? I doubt anyone would ever visit this blog, let alone read this post. Suddenly writing a post (in English, no less!!) is because I wanted to share about my experience during the FELDA interview. This might help my juniors for their future interviews. Helping people, dapat pahala, so why not? I relied on blog posts a lot before going to any scholarship interviews (sadly, there's not much about FELDA's), figured this might help boost confidence for someone.

The interview was a few months ago, in fact, I don't even remember the exact date anymore hehe so it's a bit hazy in my mind. But I'll try my best!

Now, to be honest felda's interview was quite a hassle. A LOT of hassle, really. The first stage was a two days programme at the D'Saji restaurant owned by Felda. We weren't given any accommodation. Even the transportation was on our own. Fortunately, I live in Selangor so it was just an hour drive from home. Pity those who came all the way from Kelantan, Penang etc just for the interview. Nonetheless, all is well the moment we saw the food served for us. I tell you, those were hotel food! For free! I'm a happy girl, you got me there, Felda. xD

Sorry, I got sidetracked a bit. Juniors, there's nothing to be worried about on the first day! It's merely briefing and playing games. There's no judgement on our characters, yet. It's probably to make us feel more comfortable with the staff. They were really kind and funny too, but we didn't know what was happening at the moment (I mean, why did we play games???? Was that necessary??) so we were constantly on edge. Unnerving, really ugagagaa. 

The second day was when the real challenge began. First thing in the morning, we were asked to write essays. And the topic wasn't an easy one, depends on your knowledge on Felda. The question given to me, if I'm not mistaken, was the ways to improve felda something something I don't remember hahaa. Basically, you need to brush up on your knowledge on Felda; when were they established, what field do they specialise in etc. It's not so much about the facts as it is more to crititical thinking. But if you want to impress those people, you have to write like you've done your homework (which you have to, btw). Next test was more of an IQ test (multiple choice), the questions were okay, I guess. The challenge was trying to get it done within a very short range of time given. I completely hantam the last 20 questions, better than leaving it empty.

So that was it. You'll have to wait and see if you pass for the next and final stage; the face to face interview (which I prefer much more than writing essays). We were told that the decision wasn't entirely on the test given. It's (if I'm not mistaken) 20% from your SPM result, 20% from the tests and another 60% based on the face to face interview if you pass for the second stage.

Alhamdulillah! I passed woohooo. 

The interview was in the following month. It ranges from being a super laid back session to i-wanna-die-right-now kinda interview, depends on the interviewer. Some of the interviewees were asked hard solid facts regarding Felda, some were asked to describe on a current issue given and some were asked normal questions such as why, what blahblah. To be safe, you really have to know what the current issues are and read up on Felda's history and its many establishments. I was sooo lucky to get the easy one hahaa. That was probably because they were too tired to ask for KBAT questions anymore because I was one of the last to go. Btw, come early and register early so you can be interviewed earlier. I waited from 8 am and only got interviewed at 4 pm (imagine the wait omg…. hell) 

So yeah, that's just it! A few weeks later a got a call from Felda and Alhamdulillah, I won myself a scholarship yearghhhh. A levels to KYUEM, which I'm gonna register next week. Wish me luck bruh. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tweet Tweet!

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahterqa dan salam satu Malaysia. Berhemah dulu. Hehehe.

Ok ni nak cakap pasal Twitter je sebenarnya.

Twitter ni sapa tak tau memang naya la. Tadenya orang zaman sekarang ni yang "Hah?Hah? Twitter tu menatang apa? " 

Kebanyakannya artis la yang guna twitter twitter ni. Masukkan gambar dan sekian sekian. Ala retis biasa la. Semua orang nak baca. Dia tulis 'saya tengah makan' pon berjuta orang balas. Yang kita ni? Hahahaha. Tapi tu la. Macam diari pulak aku tengok. :P

Nak pergi makan tulis, nak mandi tulis, nak potong kuku tulis, ada tu sampai nak berak pon tulis. --'

Ok apa motip sebenar cerita pasal twitter ni. Hahahaha.

Sebenarnya nak cakap yang aku baru nak guna Twitter.

Hahaha kat atas kemain kutuk orang yang tak kenal Twitter. Sendiri baru nak guna. Account dah lama sebenarnya. Tapi sebelum ni kan macam tak minat *tak reti sebenarnya . Ye la aku tak faham apa motip tulis pasal benda benda harian kita. Kalau retis tu orang baca la. Aku ni follower pon tak sampai 100. Hahahaha. 

Tapi semalam, Yuni datang online dekat rumah. Then bila dia bukak twitter, tengok twitter dia layout lain. Apakejadah layout aku sorang je yang layout lama ni. Oh ini tidak adill. Aku telah dikencing. Kalau aku online, profile semua orang termasuk aku guna layout lama. Tapi kalau tak online then view profile sendiri, eh layout baru pulok. Caner tu? :P

Eii adakah ini sebab twitter aku sudah berhabuk. Hahaha. Gasaak.

Daaann, korang kan baik. *Ehem*

Orang yang baik pasti akan mengasihani rakan dia. Hehehe.


Orang lain follower beribu ribu tuu. Hahahaha. So apalagi, klik >>SINI<< ya orang baik lagi comel lagi hensem sekalian. Ataupun tekan dekat sebelah kiri blog ni.

Jasamu kukenang. Terima Kasih TT^TT


Inikah namanya publisiti murahan? Wakakaka.


Hari ni grading Aikido. Fuhh gabra gilaa. Semoga berjaya pada diriku. Ucap kat diri sendiri hahaha sedihnya hidup TTvTT